Friday, February 25, 2011

9 Months Old!

9 Months Old!
I can't believe our little angel is 9 months old this sunday! Wow has time flown by...People always tell you to embrace every moment because it goes by so fast, but I certainly didn't anticipate it going this fast! Raegan, you are such a beautiful, smart, talented, and funny little girl! I am so proud of how much you have learned and developed over these past few months and can't wait to see what you will learn/discover next! Here are a few pictures and videos of the past month of little miss Raegan's life :)
Helping daddy blow out his birthday candles!
Cute new headbands!
She loves her new swing at grandmas house
Waving hi to the camera :)

Passed out while playing with her toys...too cute!

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